Specialized Learning
At Trinity Academy we work to best meet the needs of all children. We differentiate the curriculum to meet our students where they are and teach, challenge and encourage them to move forward in the curriculum. Teachers make accommodations in the curriculum to support the struggling and challenge the advanced.
Reading Specialist
Trinity Academy employs a part time Specialized Learning Coordinator to assist our struggling learners. Our instructor will meet with the classroom teacher to determine the best course of action for the struggling student. Students may be serviced in the classroom or receive small group instruction. This instructor may support the classroom teacher with reading assessments, SST meetings, and SST assessments when needed.
Student Success Team
This is a process in which parents or teachers refer a child to our Student Success Team. A child can be referred for academics, behavior or other concerns. Teachers will complete a series of questions and begin making accommodations for the student even before the meeting. During this structured meeting the team discusses strengths, areas of concerns, questions, modifications and who will be responsible for the modification. We meet back after 6-10 weeks to determine the success of the process.
Special Education
Trinity Academy does not have a federally supported special education program on site. As a private school we have s support program called Specialized Learning. We work closely with the Hudson Public School district when the need arises. If a student is struggling in the classroom, our team will begin the Student Success Team process. After several Student Success Team meetings and a child has yet to improve, the team may recommend requesting an asessment from the Hudson Public School District. If a child qualifies for a learning disability, speech or other services they may have the opportunity to receive limited services through the local public school. K-5 students may be excused from Trinity class time for designated assistance through an Individualized Service Plan.
If a parent declines a Individualized Service Plan through the public schools, Trinity may begin an Individualized Learning Plan to assist with Specialized Learning at Trinity. Our Specialized Learning Coordinator will support the classroom teacher to determine modifications in the classroom, teach specialized math and or reading, consult with the public school district regarding goals and objectives stated on the Individualized Service Plan, administer the DRA or a reading/math assessment or assist with carrying out the Individualized Learning Plan.
Gifted Students
We believe at Trinity Academy all students have God given talents and gifts. In the classroom, teachers provide opportunities for extensions of learning and enrichment for students working above grade level. We also provide opportunities outside of the classroom such as chess club, Mad Science, Camp Invention, school news paper, Math Olympiads, Destination Imagination, leadership opportunities and other enrichment activities to challenge and stimulate minds.
ROAR (Repeated Oral Assisted Reading)
Students who need additional support in reading fluency and comprehension are able to attend ROAR two mornings each week. A group of highly capable volunteers meet with students individually and read together with a specific protocol.
Students may need this service for an entire school year or only for a trimester depending upon their academic need.